nail fungus photos

The initial phase of the fungus in the nails of the hands is a pathology, which is characterized by the loss of the health of Brightness, brittleness, color changes and thickness of the plate of the nail. Know the symptoms of the disease, the patient will be able to see a specialist. The treatment stop the disease and the preventive measures re-development of the pathology.

foot fungus

Insidious onychomycosis

One of the most common infections is onychomycosis, more commonly known as nail fungus. Pathology is not common, but very subtle, therefore requires a careful treatment. Onychomycosis refers to a category of infectious diseases. There's No medical care will become chronic, with serious consequences. The disease does not simply appear, it all depends on the hygiene habits of the person, the characteristics of the profession. The disease are exposed to people of different age groups. The fungus often affects the feet and the nails on my big toe. Nail the plate to the hands suffer less. Sometimes, the infection gets into your hands through the inability to meet the hygienic needs during the manicure or infected feet. Often the "family" of the infection through the shared use of the bathroom. ! Fungus on the hands – not only is it a health problem, but an aesthetic. With the development of the pathology of the patient is experiencing systems.


trihofitii, fungi of the genus Candida are the main causative agents of infectious diseases. In rare cases, this mold. According to statistics about human skin parasites of about 20 species trihofiti. The peculiarity of micro-organisms on spore formation, resistance to high and low temperatures, drying, antiseptic solutions. Enter in the skin or under the nail plate, the disputes trihofiti rising, reborn in the microorganisms. In the form of thin filaments (mycelium) penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, nails. Mycelium have a dense cell wall that protect the immune system and antibodies, they began to fight with them. ! The parasites enter the bloodstream, spread to internal organs and systems. As a result, the affected nails, lymph nodes in different parts of the body.

Sources of infection

Asymptomatic early stages of disease – in this insidious parasites. Fungi in the fingers of the hands and feet at the beginning of the infection almost impossible to notice. For the activity and reproduction of microorganisms favourable microclimate is the heat and humidity. It is not surprising, therefore, that the infection occurs in public places (saunas, aquaparks, swimming pools, gyms, transport stations). Infection carrier leaves behind a microscopic skin flakes and nail on everything he touches (handrails, shower benches in the sauna, the towels, the shoes, the floor coverings, sports facilities). Left disputes quickly find a new victim and environment for active growth and reproduction. The first attack of parasites that people have: lowered immunity; weakened by the diseases of the body; disturbed emotional background; trauma to the skin, nail plates; problems with the observance of the rules of hygiene. Fans of wooden baths are also at risk of infection. The wood has a structure that is porous, to conduct a comprehensive disinfection is impossible. The spores are considered to be permanent citizens of baths, saunas made of natural materials or places where there are items for the home made of wood. ! Sources of infection – warm places with high humidity, hygiene items, bed linen, badly managed tools of manicure, sometimes the dishes!

Clinical forms of pathology

Onychomycosis – a disease that requires medical attention immediately. First define a clinical group of pathology. Clinical forms: normal scars form. The symptoms appear gradually. Parasites hit the nail on the inside. Note small yellow spots that eventually grow, to expand. The hypertrophic form. Infection affects the nail bed and plate. The nail is covered with cavities, and tubers. Suffer the toes of the feet, the hands. The nail plate separates from the bed. Appears to white. Interesting! Disease tend to manifest symptoms in various ways.

Manifestations of the fungal infection

Infection in the initial stage can manifest the same symptoms. The first signs of the disease – change of form, the colour of the plates (causes toenails to yellow). It seems that the disease is in the early stages? In principle, the attacks of the fungus gradually advances and is spread across the entire area. The location distinguish types of pathology:

  • Distal view. Affected at the top of the nail.
  • Side View. The infection develops on the sides, near the skin.
  • The proximal view. The infected surface of the plate.
  • The proximal view. Injury around the nail axis.
fungus treatment

The most common symptoms of the first attack of microorganisms to notice just. Get a tone plate pink color changes to dull yellow, later turns gray. Changes occur in the structure, begin to appear the bumps, lumps. Later on there are strips in the longitudinal direction, spot, blur. Thickening, sensitivity, fractures at the site of the injury. The infection begins to spread to the skin becomes red and inflamed. Fungus on fingers – often women question, although in some cases, the disease affects men.

Parasites in the hand. The main symptoms:

  • loss of gloss, matte
  • white spots on nails
  • as the progression of the disease, the plaque is colored in gray or brown
  • skin peeling in the palms and fingers
  • it should be noted brittleness, splitting, nail sinks
  • black streaks in fingernails
  • changes in the skin around the wound swells, turns red, flakes

. Species affected with onychomycosis of the fingernails in the photo. The symptoms of fungus of the feet and the hands have a lot of similarities between them.

Fungus in the toes

Microorganisms in the legs symptoms:

  • plate partially covered by a yellow, fuzzy points
  • matt color, shine disappears
  • thickening exfoliation
  • remove the skin between the toes; slight itching between the toes
  • legs exude an unpleasant odor

Treatment in the first stage of development of the pathology is an important decision, since the characteristic of onychomycosis is a quick progression. Delay in treatment will lead to the deformation of the plate of the nail, the accumulation of toxic substances toxins released by the parasites. Once in the blood, the toxins of poison in the body, disrupt the functioning of vital organs, impairs the process of change.

the fungus pathogen

Methods of fight against the infection

How to treat onychomycosis? The treatment begins with a trip to the doctor that prescribes the procedure for the DEPOSIT of a culture (scraping with the lesions), and other studies. Diagnostic tests will help to determine the type of fungal infection and the sensitivity of the patient to the drug. Treatment in the initial phase requires that the patient complete dedication. Because the path to the full recovery time you need to be patient. To avoid chronic forms it is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending doctor.

As a holistic treatment used:

  • drugs, moisturises, nourishes the tissue, the restoration of metabolic processes – the creams, ointments, gels
  • the warning devices development and reproduction of the infection solutions, drops; advanced infections are treated with medicine, injections

At the beginning of the disease prescribed treatment non-steroidal and steroid drugs (varnishes, perfumes). Warn of more activity, parasites, strengthen the immune system activates the regeneration processes.

External medications:

  • Drugs antifungals used against Candida and yeast.
  • allylamine funds are active exclusively against fungi.
  • Cream (main component of snake oil).
  • Gels.
  • Varnish.

In order to stop the fermentation of the mycelium administered drugs in tablets that have a fungicidal effect.

The list of tablets:

  • Capsules a rapid action of the drug does not require treatment with additional funds. At the same time to restore the look of the nail plate is applied varnishes or gels.
  • Against the fungus, Chinese herb medicine work instantly by means of the extract of Chinese herbs and synthetic compounds included in the composition of the drug.
  • Capsules – triggers the body's defenses, normalizes the state of the microflora.
  • Drops – due to the fundamental component of naftifin hydrochloride fast acting being absorbed into the skin and the creation of a solid defense. Film created drops, does not allow the microorganisms to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.

In the initial phase of the disease is used in the treatment of folk remedies. Good fight against the parasites Apple cider vinegar, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and the infusion of strong tea, oil of celandine, pepper spray, salicylic, 35% of the acid. Before you use medicines or medicines-traditional, it is important to consult with your doctor.



After treatment of the infection is necessary preventive measures.


  • do not use someone else's shoes, toiletries;
  • shoes only comfortable, made of natural materials;
  • clean socks, change daily;
  • good hygiene;
  • nail the brand clean tool;
  • strengthen immunity, vitamins.


Mycosis – a disease from which nobody is insured. Getting infected, such as people with lowered immunity, and completely healthy. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with the cleaning, follow the health, hygiene. Of course, these measures can not guarantee absolute security, but to minimize the danger of infection by pathogens.