Experience in the use of

Henry of Berlin

Hi, I would like to share my experience of dealing with such unpleasant disease as a fungal infection, and the methods of fighting it. And speaking of this wonderful tool as Fungonis Gel. Experience in the use of Ice Fungonis Henry of Berlin

Since childhood I liked to play football, often spending days with friends at the stadium. And with age has not abandoned his passion. The summer was hot, the feet in slippers he was sweating a lot, but a habit that I did not pay attention to it. First just started itching, I thought it was chafing his feet. But when I see the nails start to yellow, the diagnosis was clear and without a doctor fungus.

He decided to be treated in the traditional way - with hydrogen peroxide. Burn all the skin of the legs, and fungus as they were, and remained. And then my neighbor advised me a Gel for the treatment of nail fungus and the feet Fungonis Gel, they say that the fungus he suffered a few years ago and after almost a week this gel is cured.

And, of course, not only I believe, I read on the Internet about this gel. Import type, a good tool, only the pharmacy do not buy it. Had to order online, from the manufacturer.

Smeared first, not based on the result. But on the first day of the itching feet became smaller. A week later the itching and redness gone. Then, has only grown of new healthy nails.

What can I say, excellent tool, fast or a recipe of the grandmother will never recover! Now stain for the prevention every day, away from sin. And the most interesting, the feet do sweat stopped, no. In the beginning it was even stranger.

How to use:

Smear the sore spots well and all. Even the best socks to wear on the ice is not removed, and absorbs well. Of course, socks, towels, Slippers, it is all for emissions, but again, he picked up the infection. You can only boil like, but I overreacted.

I don't want anyone to catch this infection, but when the evil try Fungonis Gelwith it , the fungus can be lost very quickly.

Katarzyna Warsaw

One night, after the pool, I realized that I have the skin flaky in the feet, and at the edge of the nail turned yellow. He immediately run to the doctor, he confirmed that it is fungus. Recommended Fungonis Gelwith this, coped with the fungus within a few days of use.

Experience in the use of Fungonis Ice Katarzyna Warsaw


Apply every day before going to sleep. Two weeks later from a fungus and gone. When my boyfriend of six months, there are also fungi, I already knew how to treat it.

I would recommend Fungonis Gel everyone is not spared from this disease. And be sure to practice a good hygiene is very important for recovery.